While we don’t have to contend with winter weather in South Florida, the Holiday Season still brings an increased risk for car accidents. From more people being on the road to more people making the unfortunate – and extremely dangerous – decision to drink and drive, there are several reasons why we tend to see a spike in car accidents during the winter months.
As you celebrate the holidays, the last thing you want to do is spend time in a doctor’s office or on the phone with your auto insurance company. But, if you have been injured in an accident, you do need to make your recovery a priority. With this in mind, here are five tips for dealing with your car accident while still making the most of the Holiday Season:
5 Tips for Dealing with a Car Accident During the Holiday Season
Tip #1: See a Doctor Promptly
The sooner you see a doctor, the sooner you can start getting better. If you put this off, not only could your pain and other symptoms become worse during the holidays, but you could also find it much more difficult to obtain insurance coverage for your medical expenses, lost income and other losses.
Tip #2: Ask Your Doctor if You Need to Stay Home from Work
When seeking medical attention for your injuries, be sure to ask your doctor if you need to stay home from work. If rest is an important component of your recovery (as is often the case with traumatic injuries), you will be entitled to compensation for any days you spend at home during the Holiday Season.
Tip #3: File Your Insurance Claim
While you might not want to deal with your insurance company during the holidays, filing your claim now will serve two important purposes: (i) it will preserve your ability to recover financial compensation, and (ii) it will ensure that you are able to secure compensation as soon after the holidays as possible.
Tip #4: Don’t Dwell on the Accident or Your Injuries
Although it is important to take care of yourself and protect your right to coverage, it is also important not to dwell on the accident or your injuries. Once you do what you need to, be sure to give yourself a break and spend meaningful time with your friends and family.
Tip #5: Hire a Car Accident Lawyer to Handle your Insurance Claim for You
If you have an insurance claim, you do not have to handle your claim on your own. Instead, you can hire a lawyer to handle your claim for you. While you will still need to remain involved, your lawyer can do what is necessary to protect your rights during the Holiday Season; and then, once the holidays are over, you can shift your focus back to securing the compensation you deserve.
Schedule a Free Consultation with Fort Lauderdale Car Accident Lawyer Joseph Maus
Do you need help dealing with a car accident during the holidays? If so, we encourage you to get in touch. To speak with Fort Lauderdale car accident lawyer Joseph Maus in confidence, please call 855-999-5297 or contact us online today.